When was the last time you heard about the draft? Read anything in the paper about it? Heard anything on news stations? Know someone who was forced into serving the US through military duty? No? Well, me neither. Yet, I still hear people talking about it. Not very often, but when it comes up, it's a big deal.
Until tonight at work, I can't remember the last time someone mentioned the draft, specifically women and the draft. It all started when a female coworker with a "boy's name" started ranting about her eventful day. She got a letter demanding that she register for the draft. After much worrying and some calls, she finally figured out the letter was a mistake. Apparently, her name was mistaken for a man's name, which resulted in a letter demanding that (s)he register for the draft.
After figuring out that it was a mistake (duh), she happily shared her views on the draft. She complained that women are too weak and delicate to be in the military, despite the fact that she is one of the strongest employees there. She continued to say that women need to stay home and raise kids (forget the fact that she is single and has no plans of having children anytime soon). Then, she reminded us that women don't have the will to be crazy military killers (which, in turn, means men ARE crazy killers who don't mind shooting whoever they are told to shoot). The two men who were there agreed with her. They were even pretty passionate about it. They wanted us to know that they were the strong ones who needed to do the killing to keep our country "safe" while the women folk remain at home raising babies and keeping the house clean for the men's return. The one woman coworker quietly nodded and said her place would never be the military. She preferred her quick life, and reminded us that she would be of no help to the military (she is in her 60s, so she was kinda right about that...)
That was probably the most random discuss I've heard about the draft. Usually, I hear it when angry men and anti-feminists try to find something that is a benefit to women while being a disadvantage to men. Now, I am a pacifist when it comes to unnecessary wars, like most of the wars we've had since WWII, but if there is going to be a draft or the possibility of a draft, it should include both men and women. And here's why...
Bad Ass |
Women Don't Need Protected. One of the most common reasons used to support no women in the draft is rape. It is a valid concern, but a woman doesn't need to be in the military to be raped. That sick violating event can occur in her own house. And if there is such a concern that men will rape the women, isn't that suggesting there is something seriously wrong with our military service men? This is an interesting argument since no one seems to care about rape any other time. When the topic comes up, the responsibility of avoiding rape is put on the woman. Don't dress "slutty"! Don't go out at night! Don't drink! Don't have casual sex! Well, if those are the things that cause rape, what is the excuse for rape in the military when there is no alcohol and everyone is in god awful
modest uniforms? Plus, no one mentions the fact that men can rape other men. Maybe men should get out of the army to protect themselves, too. Oh wait, that won't work...
It's Fucking Unfair to Men. Though there has not been a mandatory draft for a few decades, men between 18 to 25 are still required to sign up for the draft. If they avoid doing this, they can be punished with up to 5 years in prison or a $250,000 fine. The responsibility of defending the country (or abusing our country's power to exploit other countries) lies with the State's men. Since women have proven that they can work in the military, why can't the draft include a percentage of women? It would take part of the burden off the men, and even the playing field. Even if the stereotype of weak women persists, women could be placed in other positions other than active combat of they truly are not prepared for fighting. Most military members sit around playing Xbox til they are needed, and once they are needed, they just have to pull a trigger. Of course, there are many military members who do far more, but with our technology, being in the service is far easier than it was even a few decades ago (especially for the members who have desk jobs or tech jobs, then return home and act like war heroes).
Equality in the Military = Equality in the Work Place... Maybe. One ideal outcome of women being included in the draft is the elimination, or at least a decrease, of the weak woman stereotype. By including women, this shows that women really are equal to men. They are just as tough, just as tough, just as intelligent as the males. I mean who could talk down to a female war hero?
While the possibility of being drafted really sucks, I would still like to see women included in it. Angry anti-feminists could finally shut up about the only inequality they can find, while the strong women can prove they are more than capable of serving.
On last thing... draft or no draft, is it really necessary that female military uniforms include high heals? Really? Our lady parts won't shrivel up if we wear flat, comfortable shoes...
Final thought.. check out this site about women in the military throughout history, presently, and into the future!
So what do you think? Should women be included in the draft? Should an equal amount of women be drafted? Would any of you women readers fight for the possibility of a female draft while knowing you might be drafted? Post your thoughts!